Another Forecast Mentioning “Double-Dip” Possibility

Goldman Sachs yesterday came out with a new forecast on the S&P500 price as well as operating earnings, as seen on here: I found the following phrase interesting; as this is another forecast that mentions the possibility of a “double-dip” recession in the future: “Goldman’s current economic view is for below-trend growth through …

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Laura Tyson on Economic Forecasting

I recently ran across a quote from Laura Tyson.  It highlights some issues with regard to economic forecasting.  Here is her quote: “We are in a balance sheet recession,” said Laura Tyson, a former head of the Council of Economic Advisers during the Clinton Administration who is now one of President Obama’s economic advisors. …

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More Latest Thoughts from Economists

I’ve recently run across three other economist forecasting items I would like to post.  While I don’t mean to overemphasize these forecasts, I do think they are very significant on a number of fronts; and as such they deserve close monitoring and continual analysis and commentary: First, another economist forecast survey that seems generally in …

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Another “The Worst May Soon Be Over” Forecast

The following story recently (June 25) ran in The Wall Street Journal: “OECD Says The Worst May Soon Be Over For The Global Economy” This conclusion, that “the worst may soon be over” and that recovery will quickly follow,  seems to be extremely widely held among forecasters, as documented elsewhere (such as the June …

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