The Importance of Scenario Planning to Businesses

The Wall Street Journal ran a story yesterday titled, “Pendulum is Swinging Back on ‘Scenario Planning.’”  Perhaps most interesting is the history of scenario planning.  Here is the link: As I have written about previously on this blog: those who own or manage a business will likely continue to find themselves in a …

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Businesses and Economic Stress

My analyses indicate that, unfortunately, businesses will continue to face very challenging conditions. Many already find themselves in rather perilous circumstances, as witnessed by the number and breadth (across industries) of companies experiencing double-digit revenue declines, not to mention innumerable other statistics. On a couple of occasions I have written about the conditions that businesses face during …

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GM – What Could Have Been

Every so often I will mention the plight of GM as I think it has significance on many fronts. One question that came into my mind recently was “What could have been…”  In other words, if GM were to achieve results typical of (at least) a well-run, diversifying/acquisitive company since its peak (defined in an all-things considered, …

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“Opportunity of a Lifetime”?

One phrase that I have heard mentioned a few times is that the economic and market declines of 2008-early2009 created a “Opportunity of a Lifetime” to buy stocks, businesses, and other assets. I am not sure what reasoning is used to justify the “Opportunity of a Lifetime” phrase (and no reasoning has been provided).  It would …

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GM Bankruptcy

There is so much that can be said about GM’s demise, as well as how its bailout has been handled. It is rather mindboggling to realize that at its peak, it was the most powerful company in the world. I’ve been trying to recall how many times major stories have been published over the years about GM’s …

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