Political Volatility

Over the last few years the political scene has become more volatile, swinging from heavily Republican to heavily Democratic.  Now, it appears as if the political volatility is increasing yet again, with the recent election of Scott Brown and the unexpected hurdles Ben Bernanke is facing during his reconfirmation.  Many incumbents (and political appointees) who until recently seemed …

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Consumer Confidence Disparities

Here is a link to the latest (December 29) press release of The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence readings: http://www.conference-board.org/economics/ConsumerConfidence.cfm I found the large difference between the Expectations Index and Present Situation Index to be notable.  The Expectations Index, at 75.6, was the highest in two years.  However, the Present Situation Index fell to 18.8 and remains at a 26-year …

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An Interesting Letter Regarding Economic Systems

Below is an excerpt from a  reader’s letter found in The University of Chicago Magazine, Nov-Dec 2009 p. 10-11.  It is from Frank R. Tangherlini.  I found the ideas he presents to be interesting and notable: http://magazine.uchicago.edu/0912/every_issue/letters.shtml “Second was Michael Fitzgerald’s article on the Chicago School and the economy…my experiences as a youngster during the Depression …

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Larry Summers On Growth – March 13 2009 Speech

Here is one more excerpt from Larry Summers’ speech of March 13.  I find this excerpt to be of particular significance with regard to the concept of Sustainable Prosperity: http://www.brookings.edu/events/2009/0313_summers.aspx “Of fundamental importance is ensuring that we do not exchange a painful recession for another unsustainable expansion. That would not only be irresponsible – it …

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Total Household Net Worth As Percent Of GDP

The following chart is from the CalculatedRisk Blog on December 13 http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/ and depicts Total Household Net Worth as a Percent of GDP.  The underlying data is from the Federal Reserve Flow of Funds 3Q 2009 report. I am posting it here for reference purposes, and I might comment upon it in the future.  I find it …

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Banker Pay

Recently, both President Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner have bemoaned the banker pay issue.  Here is a Wall Street Journal story of December 14 containing President Obama’s comments on the issue, which contains his “fat cat” quote: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB126073152465089651.html Here is a Bloomberg article of December 5 that mentions Treasury Secretary Geithner’s comments: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=aWBnxBZDUtZo What I find notable about President Obama’s and …

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Jim Rogers And Ron Paul Video Interviews

Here are two interviews that I found interesting.  Although I don’t necessarily agree with all of the views voiced by Jim Rogers and Ron Paul, I think both interviews are well worth watching. Here is the Jim Rogers interview (length 5:20), titled “What Recovery? America’s Problems ‘Getting Worse, Not Better,’ Jim Rogers Says” on Yahoo …

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The National Debt – A Few Comments

In August, I wrote an article titled “America’s Trojan Horse” which can be found listed along the right-side of the homepage as well as at this link: https://www.economicgreenfield.com/americas-trojan-horse/ This article had to do with various facets of our national debt, many unexplored.  Here is an excerpt that I would like to further comment upon: “The first …

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misc. note

Just a quick note with regard to navigating this website… First, for those unaware, at any point one can click on the “Economic Greenfield” title (within the green) at the top of the page to return to the homepage. Second, I have also added the following at the end of each new blog post: back …

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Singapore’s Healthcare System

I ran across this piece, titled “What Singapore Can Teach the White House,” in the Wall Street Journal from October 20.  I found it very interesting, as it discussed the healthcare system for Singapore. SPX at 1110.73 as this post is written