I recently saw an ad for “Bubble Investing” and thought it was notable. It used to be that the mere idea of an asset bubble led to concern. Now, it appears as if asset bubbles are seen by many as more of an opportunity than a threat.
Of course, investing in bubbles can be profitable. As I wrote in the December 3, 2009 post, “Investing in bubbles can be extremely profitable on the way up; however, for the “long” investor they can produce huge losses if one doesn’t time the exit appropriately.” History has shown that the (vast) majority of investors don’t time the exit appropriately.
While I have extensively written of how problematical the asset bubble situation is today, it should be noted that others have written to the contrary. The April 25 2010 post concerning work by Frederic Mishkin and an April 27 article by James Picerno are two prominent examples.
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